Sunday, March 31, 2013

Math Mega Pack!

Happy Easter Everyone! 
Hope you are all enjoying this lovely holiday along with the lovely weather! It seems as though spring might just finally be here! 

I was very busy at work on my Friday afternoon off.  I was finally able to complete my First Grade Math Mega Pack! I am very excited about this completion.  The pack includes at least one activity for every common core standard in first grade math.  It contains 170 slides and my hope is that it is a total time saver for my first grade teacher friends out there.  Throughout the year, as my teaching partner and I unraveled through the new common core curriculum we searched and searched for activities for the children to complete as independent work, assessments, or activities to practice during math workstations.  Then I thought, why search when I can just create them myself.  

This math pack has been a long time in the making complies everything that I have made and used this year.  Check it out at my TpT store here:

Thank you so much and once again, have a great holiday! 

Miss Alicia T :) 

Saturday, March 23, 2013


I have been busy putting together a math bundle that is aligned to the first grade common core!  My newest addition to this bundle (that is not yet complete) is the graphing section.  This is the strand 1.MD.4.  Check it out at my TpT Store HERE!

Keep a look out for the complete math bundle which I hope to be done with very shortly!  It is already over 100 slides long and still growing. My intention is that it will have everything you need to help you through the math year with the common core! 

As always thanks for stopping by my blog and make sure to stop by my store!

Miss Alicia T :)